Application Materials
The Admissions Deadline for students planning to complete their licensure year during the 2025-2026 academic year is February 1, 2025!
In addition to being admitted to the University of Utah, students interested in Elementary Education and/or Secondary Education must apply to the UITE and be accepted into one of the Licensure programs. Make sure to consult the application checklists below for application deadlines and step-by-step admission instructions. All Licensure students must also have a current cleared background check with the USBE. Please see background check requirements below.
All students should ensure that they have completed one full semester at the University of Utah prior to applying to the UITE Licensure Programs. Applicants without the full semester of coursework at the University of Utah will not be reviewed. Completion of EDU 1010 is strongly recommended prior to applying. The Admissions Committee takes all supporting evidence into consideration when considering candidate applications. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above is recommended for admissions.
Ready to Apply? Lets get started!
These workshops are designed to assist students, answer questions, and help navigate the information needed to successfully submit your application for both the Teacher Education Licensure Programs and the College of Education Scholarships.
The workshops are available as a year-round resource. A live workshop will be available for students to participate in person and through Zoom. The 2023-2024 Live Workshop dates will be available in the fall! Please click on the link to learn more about the workshops.
All application materials must be submitted at time of completion. Please be prepared with all your application materials. Once the application has been started, you cannot save and return at a later time.
Students who would like to have letters of recommendation submitted in advance, please use the next tab, "Letters of Recommendation." Students are reminded that they should have all copies of transcripts sent directly to them to upload to their application. No transcripts should be sent to the UITE.
We recommend students use our Checklists to verify that they have all of the documentation needed to submit their application. Applications must be completed all at once. You cannot save your application and return to it at a later time.
For students interested in an Elementary K-6 or K-3 license. K-12 licensure students should apply using the Secondary Application.
For students interested in: Art, Dance, Film, Theatre or Health and Kinesiology K-12 (Elementary or Secondary), Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, English, French, History, Math, Physics or Spanish Secondary 6-12 license.
Students should have all References add to their accepted list of contacts in their email to reduce emails bouncing or not being received. Please have References add the UITE email address prior to submitting your Reference Identification form or your Application form. If your letter recommenders have not received that email after you submitted the form, please email for assistance. Note that the email can take up to an hour to be received and students should have recommenders check their spam/junk mail for the email as email filters may send the email to that folder.
Ready to apply? Click here: Apply Now!
Students: Do not submit more than one application or more than one letter of recommendation form. If you made an error or if your recommender didn't receive the email, please contact Submitting the letter of recommendation form multiple times only creates issues within the OnBase system and will delay your application moving through the admissions process.
Students should only complete this form once, either using the link below or when you are completing your application.
Students should have all References add to their accepted list of contacts in their email to reduce emails bouncing or not being received. Please have References add the address prior to submitting your Reference Identification form or your Application form. If your letter recommenders have not received that email after you submitted the form, please email for assistance. Note that the email address will not accept responses. If there are any issues with the application or letters of recommendation, students should contact UITE as soon as possible. Note that the email can take up to an hour to be received and students should have recommenders check their spam/junk mail for the email as email filters may send the email to that folder.
Please use the letter of recommendation form linked below if you want to request letters before you begin the application. Once you have completed the form an email will be sent to your references with instructions on how to complete and upload the recommendation.
Students are instructed to use the email address that their recommenders use most. Please inform your recommenders to check their junk or spam email for the recommendation email as those emails have been sent to those folders in the past depending on the recommender's email settings. Students should not use for any recommender that is employed with the University of Utah. Students should use the recommender's umail address.
Students are reminded to confirm with letter writers their agreement to write a letter for them before putting their names and emails on the form.
Students: Do not submit more than one application or more than one letter of recommendation form. If you made an error or if your recommender didn't receive the email, please contact Submitting the letter of recommendation form multiple times only creates issues within the OnBase system and will delay your application moving through the admissions process.
Letter of Recommendation form for students who aren't yet ready to submit their application, but are ready to have letters submitted for them.
UNDERGraduate Application Materials
Graduate Application Materials
Our graduate programs in Elementary and Secondary education are partner programs. Please note that you will need to apply to the UITE and the partnering department (SEC - ELP, ECS, MALP) (ELE - ED PS, SPED). Link to the graduate school application below. See checklist for UITE application requirements.