UITE/Granite Science Endorsement Program


UITE will be offering select Science Endorsement courses!

The Urban Institute for Teacher Education (UITE) in conjunction with Granite School District (GSD) and Salt Lake City School Districts (SLCSD) will be offering select Science Endorsement courses to GSD and SLCSD teachers that have met district requirements. Participants do not need to be a current University of Utah student to enroll.

To register, please click on the course that you want to enroll in below. Students will receive an email confirming registration once the process is completed. Participants can request a transcript once courses are complete and grades have been posted for any USBE licensure or district requirements. Students select each link and complete the registration form for each class to enroll. Registration for one class does not register you for both.

Please note, when registering for these classes, only submit your registration once per class. Submitting multiple times per class will result in multiple credit card charges that do take time to reverse. You will receive an initial email within 30 minutes of submitting your registration form for each class informing you that your registration was received. If you do not receive that email, please contact Ms. Kristen Lindsay, kristen.lindsay@utah.edu.

Course Information

If you have questions about registering, please contact Ms. Kristen Lindsay


Teachers please note: Location and additional class information will be provided to you by Granite School District. Registration closes on 4/30/2025. You must register by that date to receive credit for the classes.


Dates Fee Credit Hour Registration Link

EDU 6950-031: Systems in Science

01/06/2025 - 04/22/2025 $500.00 3 https://continue.utah.edu/contracts/edu2/1254

Questions? Please contact Kristen Lindsay, Administrative Assistant
