The Teach for Utah program is for students passionate about science and mathematics and teaching grades 6-12 in Utah. As part of the Teach for Utah program, students enjoy early mentoring, peer support, and customized coursework. Our 3+1 model ensures students graduate with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in just 4 years. After graduation, students will connect with beginning and veteran teachers in a professional mentor network for 2 years.
High school students with general university and/or AP credit are encouraged to apply– your Teach for Utah journey can start as early as your junior or senior year of high school!
The Teach for Utah program is funded by a generous grant from the Emma Eccles Jones Foundation. The foundation’s namesake, Emma, was passionate about education. She was the first kindergarten teacher in Northern Utah and donated her salary to provide her students with desks and chairs. In later years, Emma’s philanthropy to education continued, expanding beyond the walls of her little classroom to include funding for distinguished professorships and endowed chairs, support of training programs for future teachers, and even buildings.
The Emma Eccles Jones Foundation continues to honor the work started by Emma by establishing programs like Teach for Utah. The Foundation’s gift to the University of Utah’s College of Education is transformative, and it is our honor to be chosen for this worthwhile work. Through Teach for Utah, the Foundation and College of Education will be ensuring a supply of highly-skilled STEM educators throughout the State of Utah and guaranteeing Utah’s junior and high school students graduate with the STEM skill set necessary for college, careers of the future, and all the other exciting places that open up with training in science, technology, engineering, and math.